Contact Us
Before you call or email us with your question, you may find the answer below in our troubleshooting section.
If you have questions about Retirement Online or have issues signing in, please call the Retirement Online Employer Help Desk at 844-619-9614, Monday through Friday between 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Eastern Time or send an inquiry using the help desk form.
Report a Data Security Breach
If your location’s operations are interrupted by a data security breach, ransomware attack or other cyber security incident, call our help desk immediately at 844-619-9614 and press 1 to reach a staff member who can assist you. These incidents put the safety and security of your data at risk, and they have the potential to affect those you share data with, like the Retirement System.
Preferred Browsers
Retirement Online works best when viewed with Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. You may experience problems if you work in Retirement Online using other browsers.
Have you cleared your cache?
If you are having trouble signing in to Retirement Online, try clearing the browsing data (cookies, temporary internet files) on your internet browser. Here are instructions for clearing your cache .
Do you have the correct security role?
Your security role determines the tasks you can complete in Retirement Online. If you can’t see something in Retirement Online, check with your organization's Security Administrator to make sure you have the access you need. If you’re not sure what security role you need, please see our list of local employer security roles or State employer security roles
Do you need to use Retirement Online at the same time as other applications, such as PayServ and the Statewide Learning Management System (SLMS)?
Retirement Online, PayServ and Statewide Learning Management System SLMS, as well as other applications you may use, are built on the Oracle PeopleSoft platform. If you use these applications at the same time, they should be opened in new browser windows and not in new browser tabs. For help running these applications at the same time, please read our guide on using multiple PeopleSoft applications .